
I engaged Sonal as a coach during a transition in my life. She brought the structure and insight I needed to look at things differently, and challenged me and my thinking in a way that really worked and benefited me. Sonal has incredible intuition, and seemed to know what I needed even when I didn’t. I always looked forward to our sessions, and knew I would find out things about myself that I didn’t know before. I continue to use the tools and exercises that I learned through my coaching as they are relevant to many aspects of my life. I would highly recommend Sonal as a coach, as she uncovers new ways of thinking, and helps you grow in ways that everyone can benefit from.
Sonal is an extraordinary gifted coach. Never before have I had a coach who helped me to get to the core of my problems so quickly. She is a master in grounding clients and helping her clients find new and sometimes unexpected perspectives. What I like most is her focus on real action. After every coaching session I implemented real life changes that improved my situation and made me reach my goals. I fully recommend her for life as well as career coaching.
I have worked with Sonal in her capacity as a Facilitator with my team and as my Executive Coach. Sonal has an uncanny ability to engage, enable and energize her audience with agility and grace. Her natural affinity and willingness to connect with people at all levels, in a truthful and authentic manner, makes her both approachable and magnetic. Sonal enters every interaction with the patience, generosity, honesty, and that subtle touch of human vulnerability that makes her a highly impactful facilitator.
My life has taken me through many different avenues over the past five years. Eventually I was so diffused with all of my ventures that I felt like I was always behind the curve. Sonal helped me feel confident through the uncertainty I was facing. Sonal is fun, authentic and sweet and challenges me to be a stronger version of myself. She recognizes the version of me that I want to become and helps me achieve that growth. Sonal helped me recognize my own ability to achieve whatever I desire. I would highly recommend Sonal to anyone who wants change in their life and a coach in their corner supporting you on your journey to greatness.
I had a transformational experience with Sonal as my coach. What I found impressive about her coaching was her natural intuition and deep listening skills. Through working with her, I was able to realize that my resources were much bigger than what I was trying to overcome.
Sonal creates very quickly a safe and comfortable place. Her style is light, and very attentive. She manages to get to the heart of the topic with laser-sharp focus. She comes from a place of love and curiosity.
Since working with Sonal, my practice has made amazing strides forward in productivity and I can relate it all back to what I learned in our coaching sessions.
After losing a close family member, I had some issues dealing with the loss and Sonal helped me identify why I feel the way I do and has helped me crack the code to feel better. She has a “get to the root of the issue” coaching style. It helped me deal with the loss, and acknowledging my thoughts and feelings. She really gets right into the topic and delivers sound, helpful actions.
Sonal coaches in a very creative, fresh, positive and colourful way. She has a great intuition and a warm and personal way of using her voice. She was able to touch me deeply in a very short time. Sonal is a great coach!
It was great to be coached by Sonal. She was so present in the process with me. Her light and creative presence made me feel that I could come up with anything. And so I did and that really provided me a welcome breakthrough on the issue!
Sonal is a very committed coach, whose energy is catching. She showed a lot of curiosity and persistence keeping me always on the track of the topic. At the same time she was open to adapt to my prefered way of exploration using reflecting and drawing. Thank you Sonal!
Overwhelmed with burn out from work and personal worries, I was unable to take a step back and objectively assess where I am and where I wanted to be. Working with Sonal, I’ve come to understand the deeply ingrained patterns of thinking that influence how I interact with others and the choices I make – both personally and professionally. This has made a difference in how I respond to moments of stress and discomfort. Professionally, it’s helped me to recognize that my personal value lies in me and not how I think others perceive me. It’s also helped strengthen personal relationships with family and friends through giving myself permission to be authentic and vulnerable.
The coaching process was extremely enlightening. It didn’t just give me coping strategies to manage my thinking, it helped me understand where that “thinking” actually comes from – experiences in my past that helped program how I interpret situations or interact with others.
I began coaching with Sonal a few months before I went through a major career and life transition. I had decided to leave my job and although I was filled with a lot of hope and excitement, I was also burdened with a lot of uncertainty. I credit her with starting me on the journey to understanding what I truly wanted as my next step and what I needed to do to get there. Sonal was able to help me find the answers that I needed and made me feel empowered to live the life of my dreams. I now have a clear path of what’s ahead and I know what I need to do to get where I want to be.
I worked with Sonal as I was going through the challenging transition of returning to work after four years at home with my children. While I had the work experience and knowledge to be successful in my new role, I was plagued by diminished self-confidence and found the work overwhelming at times. Through my sessions with Sonal, I was able to identify patterns or habits in my work and personal life that were “sabotaging” my chance at success and determine the appropriate steps to improve upon each. Work can still be very stressful, but following my work with Sonal I can make the adjustments I need to approach the challenges with confidence and ease. It was a great investment in ME.
Sonal’s clear, focused presence and competent, confident manner helped me create transformative impact in my life. I came away from our sessions with clear upgrades in self-acceptance, confidence, and intuitive leadership. Perhaps it’s all the personal growth and leadership work she’s done herself, but being in conversation with her has the effect of naturally drawing one towards the most meaningful, impactful, and empowering truths inside oneself. The positive ripples throughout my personal well-being, core relationships and professional life are continually expanding, not to mention making me a more effective coach for my own clients. I’d recommend her to anyone looking not only to transform their lives, but to grow meaningfully as a person.
I loved coaching with Sonal! She’s professional, personable, and easy to be with. I loved that I gained actionable items from our sessions AND that this was combined with who I was being when I was getting these items done. That’s the magic of coaching, the being and the doing!
After 17 years of progressive promotions and exemplary annual reviews with my previous employer I was abruptly laid off. As I considered a number of job options Sonal asked me a few simple critical questions that made me pause and think not what job should I pursue but instead what was important to me and would make me feel happy and productive at work. Examining and clarifying my own values was the first step that led me to choose my current work and the team I wanted to be a part of. I will always be thankful to Sonal for helping me see clearly and make a decision that was best for me.
As a result of my coaching sessions with Sonal, I have gained clarity, insight, and some practical tips in areas both personally and professionally that have allowed me to navigate through some areas in my life that I either found challenging or where I was hoping to further develop. Sonal helped me to reframe or bring new perspectives that I would have not have discovered on my own and she has provided me with some practical “tools” or actions that I continue to use to this day –well worth the time!